PRP Treatment Baltimore

Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP is a popular treatment in Baltimore used in the medical and aesthetic industry for cellular regeneration and restoration. PRP contains numerous growth factors that your body naturally uses during the healing process and is derived from your own blood using advanced technology.

At Green Relief Health, PRP is used in a variety of non-surgical procedures to promote skin rejuvenation and hair restoration for both men and women in the greater Baltimore area.

Benefits of PRP Treatment In Baltimore

Platelet Rich Plasma was originally used by dental and orthopedic surgeons to promote quicker healing after undergoing invasive procedures, and in muscle, joint and tendon injuries sustained through intense physical activities. Over the years, PRP therapy quickly spread to other medical and aesthetic industries due to its impressive results.

Benefits of using PRP:

  • Treatment involves little to no downtime
  • PRP is derived from your own blood – not a foreign substance
  • Stimulates natural collagen production and cellular regeneration
  • Improves skin tone, texture, hyperpigmentation, scars, acne and pore size
  • Restores volume loss and works to smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • Stimulates new hair growth in dormant areas
  • Can be used in conjunction with other aesthetic treatments and fillers

What Areas Can Be Treated with PRP Treatment?

At Green Relief Health we frequently receive the question of what areas of body can be treated with PRP. It is important to remember that PRP is typically used in conjunction with microneedling with a device called the SkinPen. PRP is often injected directly underneath the skin or scalp. In other cases, it can be applied topically after a laser or facial procedure to help facilitate healing and reduce downtime.

Common areas to treat include, but are not limited to, the:

  • Scalp
  • Brows
  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?

PRP is natural. It is taken from the patient’s own blood to regenerate skin, nerves, blood vessels, and accelerate tissue repair. The treatment begins, by drawing blood from the patient which is then spun in a specialized centrifuge. This process separates the blood from the plasma and platelets. The plasma that is concentrated with platelets is injected back into the tissues.

Once injected the platelets release growth factors which stimulate stems cells in the tissue to create new tissue which is more youthful. All the old and damaged tissue is renewed again. There is not much downtime with the procedure, and typically not much discomfort with the use of an anesthetic. There is no risk for reaction or rejection since the procedure utilizes your own blood.

How is PRP Administered?

PRP often is often referred to as liquid gold due to its healing properties and gold translucent color, will be extracted into a syringe for your medical provider to use. Your PRP is then carefully injected in regulated doses to treat the areas of your face, scalp, or body. Overall, the procedure typically takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes to complete in the comfort of our Baltimore medical spa.

Results of Treatment

Platelet rich plasma patients usually start noticing significant results three to four weeks following the treatment. Over time, patients will notice further improvement in skin tone and firmness. Collagen regeneration takes approximately 3 months. Patients state that they see a difference after 4 weeks in areas with fine lines and feel a tightening in the skin.

For optimal results, we recommend a series of 3 treatments with 4-6 weeks between each for maximum results. We offer great packages to help patients achieve their goals at a lower price.

To target a variety of skin conditions, patients can combine a PRP with chemical peelsBotoxDysportmicrodermabrasionRestylaneJuvederm, and other procedures.

Schedule A Consultation

For more information on Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), call 410-368-0420 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lauren Nawrocki. You can also schedule an appointment online here and our team will get back with you to confirm your appointment. Green Relief Health looks forward to serving you.